Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Gal 4:4
4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, (KJV)
One of the ways we know God and can understand Him is in the way we see Him work.  How God does things helps us know how we can or should do things. God not only had good intentions but he acted intentionally. We can see this in Genesis where He put the world together in a planned order.  We can also see it in His plan of Salvation for mankind.  God did everything intentionally, on purpose, with a plan.  No one was ever more intentional than our Savior. Jesus knew exactly why he came to earth and that His mission of love was to reach a lost and dying world that was separated from God. He was never sidetracked, purposeless or confused about his mission.  We would say today that Jesus was very 'focused.'
The scripture above says that God sent His son 'in the fulness of time'  He was not sent to soon and He didn't come to late, he came at just the right time.  It was intentional, for the purpose of making it possible for us and God to have meaningful relationships together. Gods love was for healing all of us of a sickness called sin.  If God was intentional so he could build and make relationships with us then we should be intentional also. The highest goal we can have this side of heaven is to have a love like Jesus love.
This Holiday Season could be a real good time to intentionally begin the process of healing a relationship gone sour.  It could be a good time to reach out to someone you would like to get to know.  This Christmas may be a good time to call, write, stop in, or email, a certain someone and strike up some love. Shalom.

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