The problem is that what they are doing is to invalidate the need for repentance, forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation through Jesus' death and resurrection.
A person speaking on behalf of a group called GLAAD, a leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy group, said: "Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe". Liars, liars are they.
So we have a group of people who represent a sin, which God calls an abomination, telling us what the Bible means. Interesting?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said in a news release, that Robertson didn't represent "people who consider themselves followers of Christ." Are they now speaking for me? They never asked me, and I am a follower of Christ? I agree with Phil, he represents me on this matter.
The new push to get people to accept this sin, against God's law of marriage, is to say that we are misusing the Bible and that the true interpretation of the inspired Word of God is that it is pro-homosexual. (Really?) Or maybe, and more truthfully than I want to admit, the gays have figured out that many of the people who "say they are Christians", do not know their Bibles very well at all, and the reason they are able to say whatever they want is because most of those so called Christians don't know what it says anyway.
Throughout the Bible, homosexuality is absolutely forbidden. We are told that those who practice it will not inherit the Kingdom of God, and that they are hell-bound in their homosexual practices (1Corinthians 6:9-10).
The Bible clearly tells us, in no uncertain terms, how God expects man to conduct himself. He has never requested that GLAAD, or some animal group, or any group explain what He has clearly written. The men responsible for giving the world God's Word are His holy, called men. We are not called to interpret His Word, we are called to preach it as He gave it. To teach it as He gave it to us. We are an ambassador of His Word and an ambassador does not redefine who he represents, he speaks only what is said by the one he represents. An ambassador never speaks for himself, only for whom he represents.
The problem in the church today is that pastors have grown too accepting of sin. The church is ducking the moral issues and the silence is advancing our moral decline. There are sins of comission and sins of omission and I believe that many of these cowardly pastors will be held accountable to God for what they are not saying. Many people will die and go to hell from that silence, and the blood of those individuals will be on those Pastor's hands. Those who are truly called men of God need to stand together and teach what God has truly said. Let the words fall however they will on the members of the congregation. God's Word is a sifting word. It will sift out the true believer from the unbeliever. His Word does that. We should all be modern day Lots who, in christian love, vex our souls because of the sins of men.
God places what He has to say on whom He wants and trusts to say it, (Romans 10:14) "How can they hear without a preacher"? How can God's Word bring conviction if it is not applied to the transgression by holy men who speak for God, with His impressive and unflinching anointing behind them.
The Bible says that the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be an offense to many. It says that the message of Christ in 1 Pet 2:8 is "a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence." We can now ask, to whom is God's Word a stone of stumbling or a rock of offense? The answer is "even to them which stumbled at the word, being disobedient." This applies to homosexuals or anybody that finds God's Word has no sympathy with their transgressions and sins.
We must face the bad news of our sin and depravity before we can receive the Good News of His loving forgiveness through repentance and faith in Christ. We must, in love, find the sinner, teach them God's hope, pray and lead them to forgiveness, and then go back out and do it time and time and time again. (next message: a scriptural explanation on the subject).
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