This debate is itself, nothing less than a revolutionary development. Any fair-minded observer of Do we have a distinctive message in the midst of this moral confusion?
American culture and American churches must note the incredible speed with which this issue has been driven (or forced) into the cultural mainstream. The challenge for the believing church now comes down to this:
Our answer must be, "Yes".
The Christian church must have a distinctive message to speak to the issue of homosexuality, because the Bible has a distinctive message. Faithfulness to holy Scripture demands that the Church hold to the Biblical witness. Anything less is a road to theological oblivion.
Biblical Christianity represents the greatest obstacle to the normalization of homosexuality. The reason for this is quite simple — the Bible emphatically condemns all forms of homosexual behavior. If homosexual advocates are to succeed, with satan as their chief enthusiast, they must either marginalize or neutralize the Bible as an authority (which a dead church will allow).
The Biblical witness is very clear and accurate and cannot be changed without doing damage to the integrity of the Bible itself. Predictably many don't care as long as they can justify their sin. Fortunately this will never happen because when it comes to the homosexual and lesbian, the scriptures don't just speak, they yell. In any event, below is the beginning of the scriptural references I promised you:
Genesis 1:26-28
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created He them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (KJV)
As Genesis 1:27
makes apparent, God intended from the beginning to create human beings in two
genders or sexes — ”male and female He created them.” Both man and woman were
created in the image of God (v.26). They were and are distinct, and yet inseparably
linked by God’s design. The genders really are different, and the distinction
goes far beyond mere physical differences, but the man recognized the woman as
“bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.”
The bond between man
and woman is marriage, which is not an historical accident or the result of
socialization and cultural evolution. To the contrary, marriage and the
establishment of the heterosexual covenant union is central to God’s intention
— before and after the Fall. Look at this, immediately following the creation of man and
woman come these instructive words: “For this cause a man shall leave his father
and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.”
Evangelical Christians
have often failed to present this biblical truth straightforwardly, and so
many of our churches and members are unarmed and unprepared for the ideological, political,
and cultural conflicts which we are going to come up against. The fundamental fact
upon which the church corporately, and Christians individually, must base any response to homosexuality is
this: God alone is sovereign, and He has created the universe and all within by
His own design and to His own good pleasure. Furthermore, He has revealed to us
His creative intention through Holy Scripture — and that intention was clearly
to create and establish two distinct but complementary genders or sexes. The
Genesis narratives demonstrate that this distinction of genders is neither
accidental nor unimportant to the divine design. “It is not good that the
man should be alone; I will make for him a helper suitable for him,” determined
God. And God created woman. [It is not to be confused. When God said "husband" it means man, "wife" means woman.]
God reinforces His purpose of the man and women for each other in the cleaving of man to the woman [“his wife”]
and their new identity as “one flesh.” This biblical assertion — which no
contorted interpretation can escape — clearly places marriage and sexual
relations within God’s creative act and design. How can you mess with this scriptural truth and justify homsexual behavior as acceptable? And we are only in our first scripture reference.
The sexual union of a
man and a woman united in covenant marriage is thus not only allowed, but is
commanded as God’s intention and decree. Sexual expression is limited to this
heterosexual covenant, which in its clearest biblical expression is one man and
one woman united for as long as they both shall live.
Therefore, any sexual
expression outside of that heterosexual marriage relationship is illicit,
immoral, and outlawed by God’s explicit command and law. That fundamental truth
runs counter, not only to the homosexual agenda, but to the rampant sexual
immorality of the age. I want to add this little note to our conversation as well. The Bible has much more to say about illicit
heterosexual activity than about homosexual acts. Adultery, rape, bestiality,
pornography, and fornication, for example, are expressly forbidden. Sexuality because of the innate power of it, and because its desire is purposely woven into our instinctive fabric by our Creator, is clearly given ground rules to keep it morally, socially and behaviorally safe and beneficial to the good health of mankind.
(More Scriptures in Part 3)
(next article is more clear, 'don't do that,' than ever
(next article is more clear, 'don't do that,' than ever
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