We need Christ, the Holy Spirit...etc.

It's so amazing for me to sit here and think that with all the wonders Superman did and of all the people he rescued, not too many people spoke much of those phone booths. Yet, that was where a plain ordinary man became a Superhero. The phone booth was the necessary environment required for the transformation. No booth no rescue! No booth no world changer! No booth no faster than a speeding bullet. No booth, no dynamic breakout into the Gotham City skyline. You take away the phone booth and Lois Lane never swoons in Superman's arms.
If you're Superman, that is a tragedy! If you're a reader, that is devastating! Gosh that phone booth was as important as his mask or cape, his boots or ability to "super see" or "super hear". That booth wasn't Superman, and it certainly wasn't Clark Kent, but without that booth, you couldn't have a super change over.
Outside the booth you have Clark Kent, inside the booth you have SUPERMAN! That's a substantial change! Which would you want if you needed to save the world?
Today we don't have a Superman, not because we have so much kryptonite but because we don't have any phone booths. (hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion!) Everyone is carrying iPhone's, cell phones, mobile devices, smart phones and other wireless devices and ETD'S. Add all that up and if you are Gotham City or the world today, you're in a heap of trouble because Superman may be out there, but he doesn't have a phone booth to get into and make the changeover.
I want to tell you, there's nothing worse than having a crisis and having the resolution right there before you but you can't make the two meet.
Ok, Mr. Blog writer, so what is your point? My point is this: We have a world of problems today.....Christians being persecuted in Syria, Iran, Egypt, North Korea, global famines of food, leadership and vision, pirates on the high sea's, Carnival Cruises limping into port with no power, moral crisis's in America and around the world, and leadership void of righteous men with a sincere message. A weak church that can't even stand up for what it's supposed to believe in - a powerful life-changing Word, but instead we cower to the ungodly ways of the world! We lack a world speaker that can direct the message of Christ to all nations like Billy Graham did in the past. Earthquakes and serious situations everywhere, to say nothing of our own personal, family situations.
These are the problems and God has the answers to them. Unfortunately, we can't seem to get to the "phone booth" where the transformation takes place and the solution comes. Or we don't even know where to look for the phone booth in order to turn into a spiritual Super hero. Church, our phone booth is prayer and our phone book is the Bible, but for some reason, we seem to NOT EVEN BE LOOKING for the phone booth and the transformation that takes place in it!
It's time for all of us unassuming, timid, "Christian Clark Kents" to put away our newspapers, get in that booth, read our Bibles, get prayed up and come storming out of that booth with enough power to conquer the evil in this world and bring hope and help to a dying world!
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