Man is God's greatest creative achievement on earth, and was made in His likeness. The Bible teaches that man is fearfully and wonderfuly made (Paslm 139:14), far more wonderfully made than the angels (which belong to a previous creation of God.) Angels have no blood in them, for they have no flesh. Because they have no cells, they have no reproductive potential since the absence of cells cannot compound and make another cell which makes life. Angels are spirits and have only spiritual life. That's just the way God made them.
But man, now But blood does "carry" life! The life is in the blood the scripture says. It is obvious when we see what happens at death. Immediately after death, the person is still warm, and will remain so for a brief time. Yet that person is dead because the mysterious life has departed from the blood. The life of man is carried in his blood stream. Life itself is spiritual, God breathed, but it must have a physical carrier. This carrier is the blood which flows within the body of every individual.
When God made man, He formed a body from the dust of the ground - from the sustances and chemicals of this planet. Then in spectacular fashion He breathed into this body the breath of life. In other words, He breathed into this chemical composition some of His own spiritual life, and that life was held in the chemical substance we call blood. So you can see from the last statements, that the dust to flesh is not life and the blood and flesh combination is not life and blood itself is not life.
Most of us know our own blood type. There are only a few blood types for all human beings. But Jesus 'blood type' was entirely different. The blood that flowed in His veins was sinless blood b/c it was not contaminated by Adam's sin which brought sin and sickness into human blood. Adamic (human) blood is corrupt and was carried by Mary, who declared that Jesus her son was "God my Saviour' (Luke 1:47). Mary was the chosen carrier of the body of her Son, but all the blood came from God. Jesus' blood did not come from His mother Mary. No child born to man has its mother's blood. The blood always comes from the father. That is why when there is a question of who the father is, you check the man's blood. Since Jesus was the only begotten of the Father (John 1:14) His body was formed and fashioned wonderfully in the womb of Mary His mother, and if you were to check Jesus blood you would find out that there was no father's blood. The blood of Jesus was from God. It came from the Father by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this Blood which flowed in the veins of the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect, heavenly, sinless, infallible blood. Nothing human, and especially nothing from Joseph since the scriptures tell us he never knew Mary(Matthew 1:25).
The fact of the matter is that God says in the Bible that He prepared a body for Jesus. It was that body that was created in Mary's womb. "Wherefore when He cometh into the world, He saith, sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me" (Hebrews 10:5). Jesus knew before His birth at Bethlehem that His Father would build and prepare a body for Him, which He later described as the temple of God. That body had to be made so that it was sinless. It could not be contaminated with human, earthly blood. He simply came down from heaven and entered into the body created in the womb of Mary His earthly mother, and builder of His flesh. This body had the blood type created by God His father. There was no human blood from His earthly father intermixing at all.
To conclude, Jesus had no sin in His body, but He allowed Himself to die for the sins of a sinful humanity. But, in order to be the sacrifice for sin, Jesus had to have no sin. If He had sin, then He could not remove sin from man. That is why it is written in the scriptures, 'how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God'? (KJV)
Jesus gave the perfect life that was filled with His perfect, sinless, blood to redeem poor mankind -um, us - who carried death in their bodies. It was pure blood for imperfect, contaminated blood, a life for life, since life is in the blood.
This is why Jesus is described in the Bible as the last Adam. God sent Him to earth in the likeness of sinful Adam, but with pure uncontaminated blood in His veins. God sent him so that He might shed that pure blood of His at Calvary for the life of humanity. Peter called it "precious blood" ( 1 Peter1:19). Can anyone Amen that??
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