I want to talk about perspective for a minute as referring to our freedoms. Do you notice how this great land of freedom of experession and freedom of choice has suddenly become a land of treacherous discrimmination and LACK of freedom? The Mayor of Boston jumps on a podium and admits, and insanely tells everyone he's discrimminated against Chick by not allowing restaraunts there in Boston. From his perspective it was ok to abandon all the rights he and we enjoy about freeedom but he would not extend those same rights that he enjoys to Chick-Fil-A.
The Hitlerite councilwoman from New York admits she is bullying Chic-Fil-A (on official letterhead) and she is standing arrogantly at a mic in the Big Apple telling all the world that she is discrimmating against Chick. Even the mayor of Pgh. comes out against them. They think that it is politically correct to trounce on Chick's freedom. Who is next on their blackball list? I always heard it was illegal to black ball someone. I guess it has changed in New York, Boston and Pittsburgh! Is this a free country? Has the perspective of this great nation changed?
I do know this....the only reason I was not upset about the 40 minute wait was that I was in line not so much for food, I was in line for a purpose. That purpose made time irrelevant. The purpose was a non-violent protest and it changed my perspective on the time it took to get my food.
Others are mobbing Chick, planning protests and bulliing them, because they believe differently. I wander if Channel 4 which has plastered the air waves with the bullying theme for the past year, has at any time acknowledged that this restaraunt chain has been bullied. Have they given any air time to tell Pittsburghers that an injustice is being done; a company which is upstanding is being bullyied. I challenge that great news network, to stand up for Chick-Fil-A and publically denouce the bullying and proclaim a Chic-Fil-A day to thank that wonderful company for the jobs, integrity and commerce they bring to Pittsburgh.
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