become a political statement.
Most Americans know that the war with Chick-fil-A is because they, as a company, have voiced their belief that marriage is between a man and a women, not any other way. Thereby endorsing God's description of what marriage is meant to be.
The issue of Chick-fil-A is not an issue of homosexuality as purely pertaining to that issue, it is about marriage and how it is defined. Chick-fil-A does not descriminate against homosexuality in the work place. They have no policy that I am aware of that includes sexual preference or descriminating against those individuals who choose that lifestyle. Chick has simply endorsed heterosexual marriage as defined by God.
They have a right to do that and to say that. We have a country of presumably free speech. And that free speech is allowed to be excercised even if it is against what someone else believes. If anti-heterosexual groups, homosexuals or anyone else that differs, it is their right to do so and to even do it with passion for their cause and visa-versa. But in demanding Chick their right to declare their beliefs it is depriving Chick of their right to free speech. If they also choose to hinder Chick in building restaraunts, they are discriminating against that restaraunt, and that is a very dangerous situation that the courts should look into. When the Henson company took the muppet toys from Chick to give support to GLAAD (an openly pro-homosexual organization) Chick didn't scream of an outrageous injustice, they handled that issue with total class and moved on. But you can't teach class. Upstanding organizations that exist for the cause of values have upstanding well-bred and well-formed values. There is a certain good professionalism that comes with righteous conduct and belief. You can never expect that from organizations that exist from a cause rooted in rebellion. Their core is wrong and every thing built on that core reflects rebellious and underhanded practices.
On Wednesday, August 1st, 2012 people all over the country are going to Chick-Fil-A to buy lunch, dinner or whatever, to show support for their business and their Godly stand for traditional marriage. I want to urge you to take part in that event. There is a Chick in the Westmoreland Mall, one is located at Rt 30 Greengate by JoAnn Fabric and there is one in Greensburg also on Rt 30 across from Olive Garden. This is one of the few times in life where you can make a statement just by buying lunch.....and don't forget the milkshakes!! (yummm)
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