Standing on the deck and looking down on my driveway, I see a beautiful neighborhood, a lovely gigantic pine and an oak tree filled with acorns. What a site! It's from these lovely trees that our beautiful feathered friends from our community fly into and eat their munchies during the winter months. What a sight they are against the foliage and later the snow (eww - enough of that for now!) Anyway, while admiring those little critters I look down at the driveway and see a huge mess of "stuff". Deciding to investigate closer, I went down the steps and saw all the shells from the bird feeders. This junk is everywhere - and lots of it!! -sunflower shells and all kinds of leftover millet. Those little birds are eating all the goodies and leaving me the waste. Every couple of weeks I have to clean what the rain and wind won't wash away - which is 90% of it. My little chickadee is cute but not very tidy, the sparrows are downright messy. At least the blue Jays take the seeds up into the trees. I guess they figure leaving the garbage after dinner for me to clean up isn't too much to do considering the entertainment they provide. That's a bunch of garbage too, but from a birdies' perspective, I guess.
I turned my computer on to figure out how to make a squirrel feeder and I have to sit through fifty advertisements about how to find available singles, cheap car insurance rates or the newest political poll about Obamanomics. Geez just get me the details about the feeder will ya & cut out the garbage....sorry. When its a computer, its spam. The phone rings and its some guy speaking in broken English I can't understand named Lopiano, who's in Pakistan doing a survey about plastic recyclables for a company in's another nuisance call...and...of course...more garbage. I think garbage is filling the earth...its everywhere and in every shape and can't even listen to the neighbering kids because some of them rattle off expletives in multiples so fast they can't even stop to breathe. It is a shame that there is nothing but garbage coming out of their mouths. If you turn your TV on, the word garbage is now a synonym for ABC, SPIKE, WE, NBC,CBS,FOX, ESPN, etc,etc,etc. The TV is entertainment garbage. Some of it is pure fiction so you can expect it to be trash and should end up in the "sin bin" but what about the politicians... they are dead serious about what they are saying and it is still garbage. What a shame. Much of what they promise ends up in the waste dump too and these people are trying to be serious.
It makes me think of Isaiah 57:20 'But the wicked are like the tossing sea, for it cannot be quiet, and its waters toss up refuse and mud' (NAU)
Let's bring this to us... In a world full of garbage, as Christians, we should be the real deal. The virtue of God should be exhibited in us......let's remove the garbage and......... "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matt 5:16 (NKJ)
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