It is interesting to me that the Savior who has the power to raise a man from the dead has to have someone move a stone away from the grave. I'm sure that if Jesus wanted to, He could have spoken the words and that stone would have been cleared out of there. Later in the chapter he tells Lazarus to "come forth". Then He asks the men around him to ‘loosen him and let him go'. The disciples didn't only take away the stone, but they also unwrapped Lazarus.
It's apparent to me that God is showing us that we play a very important role with Him. I doubt that there's a man alive on this earth who has ever been converted without the Lord using us "human instruments" in some way to help Him get the job done.
God could easily convert men without us; but that's not His way, He actually wants to use us, to involve us in the work He does.
Like the tomb, though, there's another stone that must be rolled away before any great work of God can be brought about. That's the stone of indifference. There are a lot of Christians out there who just don’t care. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM!! Let Jesus involve you.
Like the tomb, though, there's another stone that must be rolled away before any great work of God can be brought about. That's the stone of indifference. There are a lot of Christians out there who just don’t care. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM!! Let Jesus involve you.
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