Head in hands wondering what to do and evening dead on, she looked up to see a late model truck pull over. In a second a young man with heavily-worked, dirty jeans got out of the truck and was heading to her car. In a cheery voice he asked, "Could you use some help?'
After he had changed her tire, the lady asked him what his name was? "Brian", he said, "folks around here just call me Brian." Well Brian, she said,"How much do I owe you?" "Nothing, Ma'am, just do something nice for someone else when you get a chance."
It was getting dark, so the gal thanked him and drove off. With a few miles of asphalt behind her, she pulled into a little restaurant to get something to eat. After being seated a waitress approached her table. It was evident that she was going to be a mother before to long. "When are you due?' she asked. "In about a month," she replied."Is this your first child?'
"Yes. I'm working to help my husband pay the doctor bills. He's had a hard time finding good work but we are still so excited." The women paid her check with a hundred dollar bill. When the waitress returned with the change, the lady was gone. On top of that when she cleaned off her table she found four one-hundred dollar bills under her plate as a tip.
At closing time the waitress headed home, and slowly climbed the stairs to bed. She saw that her husband was asleep, so she kissed him good night and said, "Somebody did something nice for me today. I'll tell you all about in the morning, Brian"
Eccl 11:1 Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. (NLT)
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