I hope your Christmas was as sweet as Karen and I's. We had a lovely service and good times with our kids and grandchilren and we have our health. I hope this is the same with you.
Today everyone is focusing on the upcoming New Years Eve reveling, which is a big part of some peoples' December 31st evening. Another big-time New Years event is the resolution business. That comes from people who want to start over fresh in something or want to make themselves a better person in the upcoming year. A New Year's resolution is kind of a personal home improvement project. It's even more like a home construction project because of the similarity of both...think of it....we get half or three quarters of the way through, lose interest and the project sits undone for months. For some people who lose interest, years.
Resolutions are a lot like that, we lose interest in months, sometimes days and almost always in sweat. Yeah, I mean sweat. If something is to hard, requires a lot of work, a lot of effort, it is usually abandoned pretty fast.
My proof on that is in the rankings of America's top five New Year resolutions:No.5 is to get a new hobby
#4 is to make more money
#3 is visit the foks
#2 is to quit smoking and
#1 is............you take a guess....yeah, lose weight. It seems like everybody on the planet has made or quit this resolution. Thats why it is number one..we keep bringing it up and we keep abandoning it. Over and over we recycle the resolution and over and over we drop it.
Well that's the way with resolutions. They go in one year and out the other. What we really need in our lives is not resolutions we need solutions. And not just solutions we need God's solutions.
This year don't listen to the piping in your mind. Cut the miror talk. Cap the vanity. Ask God what or where you really need to improve. He will give you home improvements that He can help you with. Improvements that really work and are custom fitted to you. Go ahead....ask....I dare you...
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