Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mighty Years

As the 2012 year comes to a close it is dreadfully obvious that the world and people in general are regrettably closer to wicked anarchy than ever before.

As many of us watch the world moral structures collapsing right in front of our eyes, it is apparent that there will be no cessation anytime soon.  There are very few voices crying out against a sinful over-indulgent population and the voice of Christ is purposely censored.........but that is the world, isn’t it?  Christ’s strong influence has never overwhelmed the world.

Then there’s the world of the church, which should be glorious, but in that world, we see Christians in bondage, unable, unaware or not wanting to get free; we see materialistic Christians with no regrets about their wants and selfish pleasures. False teachers are rampant in the church. We see little lambs (new believers) leaving their sins from years past, only to turn around and go back to them as though it is now ok to indulge in vulgarity, visual nudity, sensual pleasures, and worldly activities...and some actually try justifying it.
There is not so much a misunderstanding about salvation in the church as there is a badly represented teaching about sanctification, holiness, grace, virtue and Christian living.

I can hardly express my sincerest concerns for the church right now.  My thoughts at their highest pinnacle of oration fall so short of my heart’s deepest troublings and despairs for my flock, my country and my God and Savior whom this world ignores at great peril and the church disobeys with terrible consistency. 

This year – 2013 - I am dedicating as the ‘Year to Hear the Lord.’

There are many ways to hear God’s voice; one of them is through His Word!  We can also hear Him in our hearts, if we will just listen. Then, we can hear him in the Spirit if we pray attention! (neat play on words, huh?) Other times, we out and out seek Him by prayer & fasting.

This brings me to the point of my blog.  I am extending to you an invitation to join all of us at the "SUB" from January 6th to the 27th, as a time to set aside for fasting & prayer. I am asking you, no I’m pleading with you to join me and my entire congregation in seeking God’s will during these consecrated 21 days of fasting and prayer. Twenty-one life-changing, neighborhood-changing, heart-changing, bondage-breaking, stronghold-tearing-down days. Many are already sharing with me their excitement for this fast and what the effects will be in their lives throughout the year.

I believe fasting in January will set the pace for hearing God the rest of the year and allow us to see great things take place individually and within the Body of Christ for days and months and hopefully years after it is over, making 2013 the most powerful of the upcoming ‘Mighty Years’ that we will experience in our lives.’Yes, I did say, ‘Mighty Years!’ because when the people of the world turn to wickedness, the people of God turn to the Lord. When they do this, the Lord blesses those who seek and follow Him.  The scripture says in Romans 5:20 ‘where sin abounded, grace did much more abound’ (KJV)

When we choose to serve God willingly, purposefully and faithfully in the midst of evil and wickedness, the Lord will reward openly. And I certainly see great wickedness out there, how about you? 

We want a fresh wind (fresh vision) blowing through  our lives.. We want to be able to say to God.......  “I want the blessings, Lord, and I’m willing to obey Your Word to see them come to pass.”

No great revival, leader, preacher or evangelist has ever seen great events take place within their ministry without the power of a holy fast.  Let’s join together in solidarity, and fast to hear the will of our Father. On Sunday, January 6th we will proclaim a churchwide fast and ordain and consecrate that day for such.

God bless you dear one.  I will be using my blog for messages on fasting, to stir powerful points and reflections of the fast during these next twenty-one days to help keep you informed of the events during our fast and then we will see the season of the “Mighty Years’ begin!

Pastor Paul  

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