Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Maybe the most dangerous word in the English language is the word 'some day.' Many of us here suffer from the "Some day Syndrome."  Some day I'll make things right with my mom or dad.  Someday I'll take that trip.  Someday I'll have more time for the kids.  Someday I'll build or paint or make that whatever. Someday I'll talk to my friend about Jesus.  Someday I'll go back to school.  In fact, why don't you fill in the blank I have provided for you.  Someday I will ___________________.  Ok. I hear you. If you can't think of what you would do 'some day,' just ask a friend, or spouse to fill in the blank for you.  What do you always say you will do some day?   Maybe for years you have been living with the illusion of 'some day." You sincerely plan to get around to it.  The problem with "some day," is that it can rob us of "this day."
We are all prone to procrastinate, aren't we?  There is a web site called procrastination.  If you type in the web address, when the site comes up, all that was there was a flashing sign that said, "coming soon." Well what can you expect from a site about procrastination?
Sometimes we have to live life with a little more urgency.  Living with urgency doesn't mean living faster or busier.  Frantic does not equal urgent!  To live with a sense of urgency means to live with an awareness
that you aren't promised "some day."  It means being alert to the fact that the clock is ticking.  No matter how careful you are; no matter how good your car's safety equipment is; no matter how much you 'play it safe'" or 'cover your tracks', 'touch all the bases,' or 'dot the eyes and cross the t's', there is still no guarentee. You see, life is fragile, uncertain, and in so many ways, it is out of your control. We need to live for today because tomorrow is not promised to us.  Think about it dear one, we asked Jesus into our heart to cover us from our past, (you know BC...Before Christ) and we have to have God's care and providence to cover our future. So, if our past is covered by God's grace and mercy and our future is covered by his care and providence where should we live life? We should live in the NOW.  We should live in the present, because that is really all we can do anything about. So our challenge is not 'some day," our challenge is to 'embrace today,' to seize the gift of this day, to live for the moments, we need to spend every hour with a sense of full appreciation for the time that we have.  And let us all turn the last page of our life and see that immortal fairytale phrase, "and they all lived happily ever after."

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