Friday, July 22, 2011

Hurting or Helping Others?

The church today is under more of an attack than at any time in its history. Its a different kind of attack, though, because we don't see the enemy like they did in years past.  David saw Goliath, Paul saw the "preaching of the church" during his time as an enemy of Christ. William Tyndale had the leaders of the big mega churches of his time....Knox had human enemies that Satan worked through.  They were physical beings with a devil's agenda but still it was seen through the hand of a human enemy.
 Today we don't see Satan's attacks through human beings all the time.  We see many attacks against us  through internet, cable or smart phones, etc....but the attacks are just as ugly, just as real.
 It really doesn't matter how an attack comes, it is how we handle that attack that is important. 
Many times we don't handle them well at all. When this takes place we have wounded warriors. 
There are some things that we should never do, like never outwardly celebrate someone's error/problem, mistake/sin....never help pass that person's fall around, or never add to the gossip of that error. When a person falls, our response as Christians is not to make telephone calls to tell everyone around you.  Our job is not to get on facebook and make leading statements that hint to trouble and continue to stir the hurt. Our job is very clearly stated in the book of Galatians 6:1...We are to do everything we can in a proper and dignified way to bring a brother or sister to a healthy healing.  This involves much love, many hugs and the necessary steps to make a total and complete restoration.
Gal 6:1 Dear brothers and sisters, if another Christian is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.  (NLT)

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