Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Elevated Souls

KJV 2 Chron 17:5-6 “all Judah brought to Jehoshaphat presents; and he had riches and honor in abundance. 6 And his heart was lifted up in the ways of the Lord: moreover he took away the high places and groves out of Judah."

Jehoshaphat...lifted his soul to the Lord...not his eyes or thought life and not his ways or possessions...it was his heart – ‘his soul’...his eternal person....this man found himself, because of his relationship with the Lord and the deep working of that relationship, that it brought him to a point as to where he was favored and blessed....and that elevation...his vertical position was established and witnessed by others.
Oh to have an ‘elevated soul’ in the Lord...to have it established and polished off by God and to have it be a witness that God has recovered His testimony within us....’the elevated soul’....how that elevation of the soul separates good people from the masses.

The very elevation, the greatness of personality or position the greatness of the events of a man’s life, no matter how social and humanitarian he himself may be, or how noble his efforts for his neighbor may be……. that very elevation of soul may repel men as well as attract them.

The conviction that some men have…’that here in this fella’ is an incorruptible bullheaded dignity, one who will not compromise with iniquity, serves to separate that man from the rest of the people. We witness its power in twelve fishermen, a murderous Pharisee (Paul), a 20-year addict turned into an effective street preacher, or other men and women today whose lives go beyond a salvation experience. Elevated souls.
When a man is so dedicated to his Savior, his God that his companionship and love literally repositions his soul....what a walk he must enjoy...