Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Athiesm pt 2

{KJV}Ps 53:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”

There are a lot of people who don’t like God...if He could be sued, the courts would have a backlog of people who wished to stand against Him before a, but true!
Today there is a very aggressive and hostile form of is called “militant atheism” and these people are very excited. One of the great ironies, at least to me, is that they spend so much time fighting a God that they themselves say doesn’t exist. If there is no God, then why in the world don’t you just move on with it? 
One problem that I have seen in my life is the “One World Religion” movement...where all religions are put together. You’ve probably even heard it said there is one God but he has revealed himself differently to different people and religions...there’s even a sticker with all the symbols on it. Well, so many times, Christianity and Islam are linked together and the atheists write their books blurring the distinction between the what you hear is these atheistic writers griping about the horrible atrocities done in the name of religion (mostly Islamic extremists) and they argue that the problem is with religion in general. Then you get this complaint that Christianity throughout history has caused the death of many people...that thousands were killed in the crusades...but they fail to tell people (and people have not learned) that the crusades fought by the Christians were to get back Jerusalem, the Holy City, from the Muslims, who had conquered and plundered it earlier. Gee, if the Hindus came into Saudi Arabia today and took the city of Mecca away from the Muslims, would there be an outcry if the Muslims armed themselves and attempted to take it back?

On top of that, Darwinism along with people like Friedrich Nietzsche (who coined the phrase ‘God is dead’), Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx, are all high priests of Atheism....ask the world how many people they have killed with their teachings?! Out of the twentieth century ‘the century of Atheism’ came Hitler and the killing of over 50 million people, Stalin and Mao Zedong killed over 150 million.......Atheism not only makes life cheap but robs it if of any meaning or significance....Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, professor at Harvard was an evolutionist and communist and he declared that human beings were nothing more than ‘twigs,’ like ones you find in your backyard...not a living branch cut off from the tree, and not a part of the beautiful tree, but just a dried-up laying around twig, good for nothing but to be put in a shredder or cast in the fire. Wow, that’s inspirational isn’t it...

Part 3 of 4 in a few days....