Wednesday, August 19, 2015

God's Road Signs

When we travel, we generally follow a specified route, like I-79 or 70E.
If your heading across the state, I-80 is a good choice. And if you don’t mind prying a little cash out of your wallet and trading it for speed, the turnpike is great! To get somewhere fast, you have to “hit the open highway” as we call it….where you’re free of all the restaurants, strip mall traffic, stop lights, patience-testing congestion and get yourself where you can put the pedal to the metal and as Mazda so aptly puts it…"Zoom-Zoom”. 
But most of us don’t spend our daily lives traveling on a speedway, instead, we’re on the roads we would try to avoid if we wanted to get away. Just like a patient in the ER has to have his BP/heart rate checked before anything else gets done, we usually have to have an innumerable amount of red, yellow and green lights before anything productive other than a coffee at Dunkin Donuts takes place.  Most of us deal continuously with red lights, 4-ways, backed up exits, tied up entrances, stand stills, delays, yields and stop signs….
And that’s the way it is with our Christian experience as well. Read Romans chapter 1, Galatians 5:19, and 1st Corinthians 6:9-10. These are some examples of  “Stop Signs of Life” that God wants us to follow. Also, the Ten Commandments put a pretty quick halt to each of their specific vices. We see yield signs as well…..where God has, in His divine wisdom, put stop signs for our carnal nature. That’s when we have to make a decision to obey what God has declared, and stop!!.....or in self-will and disobedience to God, we proceed on in defiance. As followers of Christ, we need to yield to God's will.
I have never found it to be an advantage, for myself or anyone else, to proceed where God has put stop signs.
 Personally, I have never found it hard to allow my mental, physical and spiritual person to be divinely sculpted by the chisel of God’s written Word, lovingly and artistically shaping my moral character.

 I always knew, or maybe I could say it this way, “I learned early on in my life, even before I became a Christian, before I was born again, that there was in me a part that I never liked, trusted or wanted to be alone with. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ that I never got out on the open road, like some of my peers wanted to do (and many of them did). As I looked at their lives later, some ended up in places where they never thought the road would have taken them.
.. I love my Christian life, I absolutely do…..
And I want you to also. Make sure you obey God’s “Roadsigns of Life”. The road can be bumpy, have detours, construction and sometimes long waits, but it's a road that will take you the whole way to eternity!