Tuesday, April 16, 2013

5 Steps to a Effective Christian Life

Every Christian is responsible to live a life that glorifies God (1 Cor10:31) and to be a true ambassador (2 Cor.5:20) for Him.  Most Christians want to be used of God.  For them it's not enough just to know they are on the Christian pathway, they want to be faithful and effective. The question is, "How"? Where do we start? What is involved?" We can find some answers in the Bible where God uses Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian official to get some insight on how to do this.
First, God SOVEREIGNLY worked out all the details involved in Philip's effective witness to the Ethiopian.  He will do the same for you and me.
Second, Philip's LIFE witnessed to Jesus Christ.  He was chosen as a worker in the early church because of his character (Acts 6:3-5). A good life not only glorifies God but is a powerful witness to the world.  Our lives should demonstrate that we know Him.
Third, we find the HOLY SPIRIT vitally involved in Philip's life and ministry. "The Spirit told Philip, 'Go to that chariot and stay near it'"(Acts8:29) The Holy Spirit is the One who makes our lives attractive (Gal 5.22-23). He is our Teacher and Guide.  He gives us boldness and courage to witness.  Our responsibility is to be yielded fully to all the wonderful resources of the Holy Spirit. Philip was led to someone already "pre"pared.
Fourth, you will note the important part the SCRIPTURES play in telling another person about Jesus Christ. The Ethiopian was reading Isaiah 53 and asked Philip to explain the passage.  Philip took the same passage, which deals prophetically with the crucifixion, and "told him the good news about Jesus" (Acts8:35). Philip knew the Scriptures and was prepared to explain the good news of the Gospel.  If we are going to be effective Christians, we too must gain a working knowledge of the Scriptures to help others.
Last, the Bible is a record of God working mightily in and through the lives of ORDINARY people (just like us!)  Our responsibility is to step out in FAITH and trust God to use us.
This article is an exerpt from BGEA, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Christian Life and Witness course.