This week at 'the SUB' is our last week before our church celebrates the 2012 Advent season.
Advent is a period of preparation, extending over four Sundays, before Christmas.
The word Advent comes from the Latin advenio, "to come to," and refers to what I call the three comings of Christ. The first coming is when we celebrate His birth at Bethlehem on Christmas Day. The second coming that is important to me is when Christ comes into your life through grace. And finally, there is His Second Coming at the end of time.
Our theme this Advent season is "Making Christlike Connections." All the sermons will be meaningful & relevant to our times and focused on the dynamics of our faith and the season of history that we live in. Some of the topics we will talk about are:
- At Christmas, God touched us by sending Jesus. We can continue that by making an intentional effort to reach out to touch others this season.
- At the Bethlehem Inn there was no room for our birthing couple but still the people found time in their extreme business to take notice and finally get them to a manger. This holiday season go out of your way for someone in your neighborhood or vicinity.
- Seeing how God honored the shepherds and included them in His glorious arrival, connect with someone you who is overlooked.
- Joseph had to personally respond to God's leading and reach out to Mary....for some of you it may be time to intentionally extend Christ's love to some of your family members
- Lastly, Zechariah experienced a fresh touch from God. Isn't it time you got some new oil too? Couldn't a fresh touch be yours as well?
- I have one more for you. Simeon had a vision for the salvation of the whole world. He didn't just see Judea or Nazareth, he saw the Savior of all mankind. Ask God to give you a Simeon-like vision of salvation for all the world.